KGPC 96.9 FM
Broadcasting from the heart of Oakland, CA

Our equipment got old and transitioned to the trash heap. We ask that you have patience with us as we install new equipment that will make our broadcast stronger and better. The temporary lapse you may hear will stop shortly. Feel free to click on your favorite show and enjoy their catalog. We will be back better soon. :0)
Thank You for Listening!!!
Thank you for visiting the KGPC website. Take a look around, and explore the present and past of this gem of a community radio station. We broadcast from the center of Oakland, and make every effort to create the kind of radio you want to hear. We are available 24/7 online, and of course on your radio dial 7 pm to 7 am at 96.9 FM. Take a listen!
Remember to check our schedule, it is constantly being updated. Just click this link: https://www.kgpc969.org/schedule
In the meantime, we will keep doing what we do, putting inspiration in your ear. That’s us, The Wave of the Bay.
See you on the radio!
The KGPC Headline News Monday through Friday at the top of the hour. Tune-in to KGPC for daily local, state, national, and international news Monday through Friday.
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Democracy Now! is a daily, global, independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Reporting includes breaking daily news headlines and in-depth interviews with people on the front lines of the world’s most pressing issues. Airs on KGPC daily at 11 am & 11 pm.