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10 PM
Conversation with Monk Episode 42
Running’s Been Good!
Monk and wife Tammy talk with Jack Stein about training and running in the marathon of life.
Conversations with Monk Episode 55
The Story Continues…
Darrin Harvey comes back to Conversations with Monk for part two of his page tuner life story.
Conversations with Monk Episode 54
Life is good!
Xavier talks with Monk and wife Tammy about how good parents make a good life.
Conversations with Monk Episode 53
Money Knowledge Showed Me the Way!
Financial Consultant, Darrin Harvey joins Monk and Tammy to share his story of “seeing” a path through darkness.
Conversations with Monk Episode 52
Ex-boxer and Italian native, who immigrated to California by way of New York, talks about life and happiness.
Conversations with Monk Episode 51
Talking to Your Younger Self
Monk’s son, Jake Sievers and Pauline Woodard talk high school, college and setting oneself up in life.
Conversations with Monk Episode 50
Inviting You to Lunch Vegan
Rancho Compasion manager, Camellia Schinner talks about running an animal sanctuary in Marin County.
Conversations with Monk Episode 49
Bring Food to Life “Style”
Entrepreneur and owner of Plant N Soul, Bobby Frazier brings food and insight to Monk and Monk wife, Tammy.
Conversations with Monk Episode 48
Enpowering Women to Follow Their Dreams
Author, Speaker and CEO of DSJ Designs, Denise Johnson joins Monk and Tammy.
Conversations with Monk Episode 47
Your Past Does Not Dictate your Future!
When you are at your lowest moment, Roots is letting the community know they are here to help, with patience, discernment, and compassion. Davin Smith Sr visits Monk and Monk wife.
Conversations with Monk Episode 46
What It Means To Serve!
Community servant and Oakland native, Aisha Brown, visits CWM to talk about her passions and her 20 year career in politics.
Conversations with Monk Episode 45
The Next Chapter
Bay Area broadcast legend, Frank Somerville joins Monk and wife, Tammy, to talk about life in broadcasting and more.
Conversations with Monk Episode 44
When Spiritual Things Manifest
Awaken soul, Marcus Bey, join Monk Eternal and Tammy (Monk Wife) to discuss soul bodies.
Conversations with Monk Episode 41
Already a Winner!
Champion runner, Jack Stein visits Monk and Monk wife, Tammy to examine the running life.
Conversations with Monk Episode 40
Nothing More Than Funny!
Val Nchangwe joins Monk and Tammy (Monk Wife) for a spirited conversation about life after Cameroon.
Conversations with Monk Episode 39
Rising From Rock Bottom
Mohammed McCabe, father, musician, marketer, historian and thinker, joins Monk and “Monk wife” Tammy for a riveting conversation.
Conversations with Monk Episode 38
Succeeding with Your Integrity In Tack.
Singer, songwriter and producer, Yasmeena shares with Monk and Tammy her talents.
Conversations with Monk Episode 37
Make it stand out
New graduate and future nurse Grace Gaxiola talk with Monk and Tammy.
Conversations with Monk Episode 36
Health Can be an Awakening!
Cassandra Delynn, certified personal trainer/pro bodybuilder/gym owner and yogi joins Monk and Tammy to discuss the spirituality of health.
Convesations with Monk Episode 35
Life May Serve You lemons, But Life Doesn’t Have To Be Sour.
Mesha Orion Phillips shares her amazing life story from a homeless teen, to single mother, to over-coming addiction, and her life now as an attorney.