Support Local Community Radio!
It all started when…
KGPC was first launched in 2015 the goal was to be a resource, not only to the Peralta Community College District, but to greater Oakland and beyond. KGPC sought to, and continues to create quality programming with the best programmers from the very community it serves - being a mainstay of Oakland, California. What we discovered along the way, is that to create quality radio it does not only require talented people, it requires resources to produce shows that are worthy of its listeners. It may not be a matter of keeping the lights on, but it is a matter of playing one record all day. We have the talent; Can you help us with the resources?
With your generous support, KGPC can bring to the airwaves robust public interest programming, insightful music shows, fresh artists, new thought-leaders, and innovators who may help us all see the world through different lenses and envision new possibilities. Donate today to support this valuable community resource.
Thank you for keeping us going!
To donate to KGPC-LP community radio, click the Donate Now! buttons above or below, enter your information, choose your gift frequency. In the tribute section field for first name, enter "KGPC Fund." In the last name section field, enter "22559." If you don't designate KGPC Fund and 22559, we won't receive the funds! Indicate any "Type" under Tribute Information.
See the images below for guidance.
We also accept donations by check
You can make out your check to: Peralta Colleges Foundation, and in the memo write "22559, KGPC Fund."
Thank you for your generous donation and support!
-The KGPC Staff