KGPC Gets a Refresh!
KGPC got a new look in the past week. As the station gears up for new and re-invigored programming, it made for the opportunity to update the logo as well. Inspired by the history of the KGPC beginnings and the location of the station antenna in the backdrop of the iconic Laney tower, the station’s new manager sought to evoke dynamism and energy to a new logo. The station’s first logo was a homage to its close location to Lake Merritt and the population of sting ray that inhabit the lake. The station wanted to emphasis its strong environmental interest and its presence as a community resource.
Marcus Creel and Felicia Bridges, the manager of KGPC, met to re-envision a new logo. They explored color preferences, and the meaning of color. The discussion included the future of the station and what it wanted to represent. It was also important to emphasize the need to establish the station as a mainstay of the greater Oakland community – the wave of the East Bay. Motivated to mark the new era, a timeline was set and the designing began. The first iterations were simple sketch drawings, which came to represent three types of themes, futuristic, retro and iconic. While this may not have been intentional, these logos seem to fall into these loose categories organically.
The second iterations introduced color and more definitive looks. Things were definitely taking shape. When recounting the process Marcus allowed himself to fall deeply into his designs, “I kind of fell down a Rabbit Hole with this project. I have some concepts from the sketches. Some were executed well, others seemed better on paper as sketches,” said Marcus.
As the final design unfolded colors were grabbed from some versions, layout from others, and font styles shifted or enlarged. In the end, the two collaborators choose an iconic look with ocean blue and sunrise orange as the calling colors. And, the KGPC logo was reborn. “Working with Marcus was incredible. He took my words, ideas and visioning and shaped them into something I feel is awe inspiring”, said Felica of the final design. “I expect to see this logo get a lot of traction,” she concludes. You can listen to KGPC during broadcast times from 7 pm to 7 am at 96.9 FM or anytime at www.KGPC969.org.
Elizabeth Warren Holds Campaign Rally on the Laney College Soccer Field
June 5, 2019.
UPDATE: Senator Warren’s speech from her town hall on May 31st can be found below, unedited. Senator Warren spoke to a crowd of 6,500 people and stayed on the soccer field taking photos with attendees until at least 10:40pm that night.
Oakland, CA.,
Elizabeth Warren held a presidential campaign rally on the Laney College soccer field on the evening of May 31, 2019. The rally ran late because of the number of attendees that were still lined up and waiting at the time the rally was set to begin. The entire soccer field was jammed full of people with what can only be estimated as thousands at this time.
The animated crowd cheered, booed and hissed as Warren made her case to attendees in the East Bay city.
Pitch Your Radio Show Idea!
Make Radio at KGPC-LP, Oakland
The Fall pitch window opens soon!
The KGPC Fall pitch window will be open starting June 1 until July 31st, 2019.
Have you been wanting to host your very own radio show or find a radio home for your podcast? Well then, huzzah for you! KGPC’s pitch window is opening soon!
We review and add shows to our schedule twice a year--in the Spring and Fall. During this time we prioritize reviewing and responding to all show ideas that are pitched.
In August, we’ll meet with folks who have submitted show ideas that we want to know more about and then settle on the number of shows to add to the Fall schedule. We’ll train folks on how to use the equipment and advise on station and FCC regulations including profanity, obscenity, payola, plugola, calls to action and sponsorship/underwriting.
Our aim is to begin airing new shows in September. You don't have to start in September if you still need time to figure out your logistics but we expect that your show will start sometime between September 1st and October 31st, 2019. Of course, you can pitch KGPC any time you want by filling out the submission form here. But after July 31, 2019, we won’t be considering shows again until Spring 2020.
What is KGPC? We are Peralta Community Radio, a low-power FM station, currently on a broadcasting time share with two other organizations. Read more about us here. All of our shows are volunteer produced. KGPC is unable to pay for content at this time.
So, what are we looking for? We preference live in-studio shows and welcome local podcast pitches too. If you are pitching a podcast we require that you produce, edit and mix your own show. We currently have limited capacity to engineer and edit podcasts, though we hope to expand this offering in the future. We welcome all ideas and submissions but unfortunately, we are not a place to elevate your brand, business, or musical venture--basically anything that generates cash for you. We don't allow shows that are marketing or advertising arms of established or future businesses.
Making radio at KGPC is a great way to get involved with your community and learn the basics of radio broadcasting. If you are interested in learning about radio, have ever dreamed of hosting a radio show, or have an amazing concept for a radio show—KGPC is a really cool place to start.
Show submissions should be made using the form we have here. If you are unable to load the form for any reason, you can copy and paste the questions below into an email, answer them, and then email us the questions and answers to kgpc969 [at] gmail [dot] com:
What’s your name and email?
Tell us about yourself! What's your background?
What kind of show are you interested in doing? A live music or talk show? Any theme or genre? Or maybe you're interested in some sort of a not-live, more podcast-esque show?
In what language(s) will your show be spoken?
How do you imagine promoting your show?
Is your show filling a niche that you think KGPC is missing? Or maybe you imagine it going nicely alongside another show we have?
Any info that just helps us get a general idea of what you want your show to be.
Are you a Peralta Student/Faculty/Lecturer/Staff?
Are you an East Bay resident?
Remember! Our submission deadline is July 31, 2019, 11:59pm PST.
If you have any other questions, please email us at kgpc969 [at] gmail [dot] com. We look forward to reviewing your show ideas!
The White Elephant Preview Sale
The White Elephant Preview Sale took place on January 27, 2019. The event is ticketed, $20 and people come from all over the state for this sale. The regular White Elephant Sale will happen on March 2nd and 3rd, from 10:00am to 4:00pm. To learn more, visit the website: https://www.whiteelephantsale.org/home
photos by Kathryn E. Styer/KGPC NEWS
Tony Riggins is second in line and definitely not telling you what time he showed up to secure such a good spot.
The head of the line at the White Elephant Preview Sale.
Mid-line of the White Elephant Preview Sale.
The end of the line wrapped around the block and extended down Fruitvale Avenue.
Erica Terry Derrick and her partner.
The White Elephant Sale has security to check wristbands and manage the flow of people.
These people were in the first wave of entrants of the Preview Sale.
Joanne has been volunteering with the White Elephant Sale since 2015. She works in Bric-a-Brac.
Some things you’ll find in the Bric-a-Brac section.
The Housewares section was incredibly busy.
The Jewelry Counters were often crowded….
…sometimes two or three rows deep.
Sen. Kamala Harris Officially Launches Her Presidential Campaign in Frank Ogawa Plaza
U.S. Senator Kamala Harris launched her 2020 Presidential campaign, in front of thousands at Oakland’s City Hall, today. Stay tuned for the story this Friday, February 1st at 7:00pm on KGPC News.
Sen. Kamala Harris officially launched her Presidential campaign today in Oakland, CA, U.S. She announced her decision to run for president on Martin Luther King Day, January 21, 2019. photo by Kathryn E. Styer/KGPC NEWS
U.S. Senator Kamala Harris greets rally goers at her presidental campaign launch rally in Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland CA, U.S., January 27, 2019. photo by Kathryn E. Styer/KGPC NEWS
photo by Kathryn E. Styer/KGPC NEWS
Send in your Pitches for Spring 2019!
Hey there, audiophiles. We are currently accepting pitches for new shows.
If you have an interesting show idea or concept and want to bring it to life on the airwaves of KGPC, then fill out this form and send it in! Shows are subject to FCC rules/regulations and station time length standards. Other than that the sky is the limit.
The pitch window is December 1, 2018 to January 31st, 2019.
We can’t wait to read your submissions!
Radio Show! Podcast! What's the difference?!
We are amidst what could conceivably be the second golden age of radio, catalyzed by the internet, whose existence, for better or worse, can largely be seen the savior of radio--mostly because of the podcast.
"Podcast?" you ask. "Is that like a radio show?" you muse.
Sort of.
We find ourselves explaining the difference between a radio show and podcast often enough that this blog post feels both needed and responsible.
A radio show is not a podcast. A radio show is a show that is produced and aired live on a station. It is the same length in time when it goes to air. It can be pre-recorded, produced, finished, and then aired on the radio and it is still a radio show. Think about nationally syndicated programs such as 99% Invisible, This American Life, Fresh Air with Terry Gross, or RadioLab. These are pre-recorded, highly produced programs that air on your favorite radio station at specific day and time. They shows will adhere to special FCC profanity and content rules.
A radio show can be podcasted (yes that's a word). This is not an archive. An archive is where past programs are stored for on-demand listener access. The shows usually aren't modified. A podcasted version of a radio show has been edited to include content that isn't allowed on the airwaves. Usually swear words or graphic discussions about sex, abuse or violence. Sometimes podcasts can be shortened or super long versions of any given show. And sometime a podcasted show might be something that is recorded, produced, finished and never even hits the airwaves. It just lives on the show's website.
'But wait! Isn't that an archived show?!" you ask. No. Because it never aired live on the airwaves, isn't being saved in an unaltered version and could include language or subject matter that isn't allowed by the FCC to be broadcasted. Stuff that is obscene, indecent or profane.
So what's a podcast, then?
A podcast is audio only. Sometimes it could have a companion video. I see you, This American Life and StoryCorps. Podcasts have a name. Some podcasts are: The Heart, The Racist Sandwich, S-Town, Love and Radio, the Mental Illness Happy Hour, 2Dope Queens, and the list goes on.
Podcasts are episodic. They could be serialized, thematic, character driven, whatever. A podcast should have episodes. If there is a only one episode, then it's a story, project, documentary, interview, again--whatever. The episodes can be released at regular intervals, but they don't have to be. The episodes can be the same length but they don't have to be.
Podcasts are usually pre-recorded and highly produced--but not always. When starting out, audio engineers and producers should not expect to be able to create something that sounds like RadioLab. One episode of RadioLab can cost up to $100,000.00USD to make. I assume this partly has to do with the fact that sometimes producers will rewrite a RadioLab script 47 times. These are some things I overheard at Third Coast last year.
Podcasts can be accessed almost everywhere. On websites, on iTunes, on Soundcloud, on PRX, on Stitcher, everywhere. Radio show archives, are usually accessed on the website of their home station (WNYC, WBEZ, KALW, KQED, KPCC, NPR), but they might have their own website too. Radio shows will always station ID, a la "from WHYY, this is..." or "from WNYC, this is..." A podcast never has to station ID, but if they're getting support from a station, it's considered rude if they don't. Some stations will also require it. It's pretty common these days that a podcast will have a fiscal sponsor (or sponsors). ZipRecruiter anyone?
At KGPC-LP we host both podcasts and radio shows. We air the following podcasts: Reckonings, Esto no es radio, East Bay Yesterday and Original Voices. We have two live call-in shows: Date Talk Live and Feel Alright. The rest of our shows are produced live in studio and rebroadcasted at different times throughout the week. Stay tuned as we add even more shows to our show roster this fall!
If you want to start a show or launch podcast with KGPC, fill out our pitch page!
To learn more about making radio, read all the articles on Transom.org, a fantastic resource for all your audio educational needs. Or reach out to us at kgpc969(at)gmail(dot)com!
Over and out.
Currently accepting pitches for Fall shows!
Renyea Colvin (left), host of Healthier Futures.
Hey there! Do you have a great idea for a show?! Are you interested in being part of an amazing community of radio makers who know absolutely everything about one topic?! Okay, maybe that's a stretch, but it sure seems like it sometimes.
Whether your passion is video games, bicycles, 60's soul, or the genre called funk, there's a space for you at KGPC-LP. Submit your pitch now and we'll review it for our next wave of new show openings in the Fall! We're aiming for about five new shows, give or take and would love to hear from you!
-Peralta Community Radio, YOUR community radio station.
Write a Thank You Email!
Write the Chancellor and Board of Trustees a Thank You Letter!
Chancellor Laguerre assured us at last week's board meeting on June 12th, that he was not making cuts to the radio station and that contractors would have their contracts signed for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
Check out the highlights in this video clip one of our DJ's made! You can see the full meeting here: https://youtu.be/AiqpZ2HBPWg
Please join us in writing the chancellor and the board of trustees, a thank you letter! Express your deep gratitude to them for preserving a true community and student resource that took 10 years to secure and could be lost forever. Let the board know that you appreciate their leadership in ensuring that KGPC-LP remains on the airwaves! Additionally, remind Chancellor Laguerre that it is important he keep his word to meet with the KGPC-LP co-directors to sign their contracts in time to keep the radio station running into the new fiscal year.
Jowel C. Laguerre, Chancellor: jlaguerre@peralta.edu
Bill Withrow, Trustee Area 1: bwithrow@peralta.edu
Meredith Brown, Board President Area 2: mbrown@peralta.edu
Linda Handy, Trustee Area 3: lhandy@peralta.edu (up for re-election this November!)
Nicky Gonzalez Yuen, Trustee Area 4: nyuen@peralta.edu
Dr. William “Bill” Riley Board, Vice-President Area 5: wriley@peralta.edu (up for re-election this November!)
Karen Weinstein, PhD, Trustee Area 6: kweinstein@peralta.edu
Julina Bonilla, Trustee Area 7: jbonilla@peralta.edu (up for re-election this November!)
Send them an email this week and tell the Board of Trustees and chancellor that you look forward to seeing the radio contracts on the June 26th board meeting next week!
In community,
Co-Directors, Peralta Community Radio Station
Peralta Board of Trustees Meeting
June 12, 2018
333 E. Eighth Street,
Oakland, Ca, 94606
Dear Peralta Students, Peralta Faculty, KGPC DJ's and Community Members,
We need your help! KGPC, Peralta Community Radio, is in danger of losing all staffing on July 1, 2018! The district is intending to drastically reduce funding immediately, to KGPC, Peralta Community Radio and the Department of Public Information and Media Communications, as part of a general reduction in department budgets.
The proposed 2018-2019 budget for our department does not provide enough funding to staff KGPC Radio beginning July 1, 2018. Our direct services to students, teachers, and staff, and the broader East Bay community will cease. This includes over 100 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students we served in the 2017-2018 school year, student DJ’s and community professionals. If we don’t receive adequate funding, we will no longer be able to provide free and easy access to media creation for the East Bay and Peralta communities.
I’m writing to you because you are a KGPC DJ, you've benefited from KGPC's free and easy access to broadcast media, or you are part of the broadcasting community. KGPC is a landmark station in the East Bay, as one of the few "LP-FM" stations recently licensed by the FCC, something which the FCC may not do again, ever. We directly serve the Peralta Community Colleges students, faculty and staff, East Bay cities and international audiences that listen to our streaming broadcast.
We could potentially lose the FCC license that took 10 years to secure. All the time, money and effort spent to secure the license, build the site and install the antenna, will be for naught.
But we have one last shot!
Please attend the Board of Trustees meeting this coming Tuesday June 12th at 7:00pm and tell the Board of Trustees that community radio is an important part of the Peralta Community College system, AND the East Bay. Tell the Board how you've benefited personally from KGPC-LP. Communicate why local public radio is so very important and crucial to the health and vibrance of our communities!
Please arrive 60 to 30 minutes early in order to fill out a card and pack the boardroom! The building is the first on the right. Enter through two sets of double doors, the meeting room will be on your right.
Please ask the board to continue the past precedent of providing adequate funding for the necessary contractor positions at the Peralta Community College District's Department of Public Information and Media Communications, specifically television and radio.
We will help you fill out a public comment card to speak on the behalf of KGPC-LP, Peralta Community Radio or fill out a public comment card in order to cede time to another speaker. Each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. A speaker is allowed more time if another speaker cedes their time. You must fill out the card and be on a list to speak or have time available to cede. If you plan to speak and are a student or faculty member please let that be known when addressing the board!
I plan to speak at length, I hope you do too.
If you are unable to attend, please write a letter of support for KGPC, addressed to Jowel C. Laguerre, Ph.D (jlaguerre@peralta.edu).
You can also email the Peralta Board of Trustees and voice your support for KGPC:
Bill Withrow, Trustee Area 1: bwithrow@peralta.edu
Meredith Brown, Board President Area 2: mbrown@peralta.edu
Linda Handy, Trustee Area 3: lhandy@peralta.edu (up for re-election this November!)
Nicky Gonzalez Yuen, Trustee Area 4: nyuen@peralta.edu
Dr. William “Bill” Riley Board, Vice-President Area 5: wriley@peralta.edu (up for re-election this November!)
Karen Weinstein, PhD, Trustee Area 6: kweinstein@peralta.edu
Julina Bonilla, Trustee Area 7: jbonilla@peralta.edu (up for re-election this November!)
Please show up. Please support Peralta students and faculty. Please support local community radio. Please share this with your networks widely.
In community,
Katie Styer
Co-Director, Peralta Community Radio Station
Aaron Harbour
Co-Director, Peralta Community Radio Station
Katherine Mondo
Co-Director, Peralta Community Radio Station