Get ready for the return of our "HellaSecret" comedy show in Oakland. A new series of pop-up live comedy shows at unique spots all across the bay. We'll take over a venue and you'll get notified of the secret location.
This HellaSecret comedy show takes place in a secret bar in Oakland with a killer sound and light system that just opened earlier this year - and we've turned it into a pop-up comedy club. We can't wait to share it with you!
It's a 70+ minute show with 4-5 comics on the bill with credits like Cobbs, Punchline, SF Sketchfest, ABC and NBC.
Secret Address HOW TO FIND SECRET LOCATION - IGNORE MAP - Venue revealed only to ticket holders. Look for "Additional Information" section in your original order confirmation email (sent right after you purchased) or listed on your PDF tickets. If you need help please Oakland, CA 94612