Sav-A-Soul Ministries Episode 14
Business with Blessings!
Dr. Charles Stanley welcomes Aundra Williams, a Christian business mentor for women entrepreneurs, a blog strategist, and a Holy Spirit-led business mentor to thousands of women who follow her work online.
Aundra’s mission is to teach other Christian entrepreneurs how to build a Holy Spirit-led business model that starts with Jesus and ends with Jesus.
She’s wildly obsessed with helping women tap into their spiritual gift to bring forth their business irresistible factor and other ways to monetize their budding business. She strives daily through her social media presence to teach biblical applications in the industry through her successful online coaching programs, courses, and free resources.
Combining her love for helping other women in business, she also leads a successful blogging business with over 150,000 yearly blog views. Her unique approach to blogging has allowed her prestigious media, speaking engagements.
Aundra is paving the way for other Christian business owners to build a 6 figure business without losing their core values.