Sav-A-Soul Ministries Episode 17
Far and in between Marcellus Ware from New Jersey/Flint Michigan, and Sara Ware all the way from Sandusky Ohio.
Marriage is a commitment between one man and one woman before God to spend a lifetime loving and serving each other for God’s glory. The covenant we make in marriage was designed to mirror the unconditional, unshakeable covenant between Jesus and us (Ephesians 5:22-33). That’s why fighting for our marriage matters so much to God.
When we pursue our spouses, we are making the choice to put Jesus first in our lives. We’re choosing to trust that God’s design for marriage will exceed our own expectations.
*Sound quality warning
Sav-A-Soul Ministries Episode 14
Business with Blessings!
Dr. Charles Stanley welcomes Aundra Williams, a Christian business mentor for women entrepreneurs, a blog strategist, and a Holy Spirit-led business mentor to thousands of women who follow her work online.
Aundra’s mission is to teach other Christian entrepreneurs how to build a Holy Spirit-led business model that starts with Jesus and ends with Jesus.
She’s wildly obsessed with helping women tap into their spiritual gift to bring forth their business irresistible factor and other ways to monetize their budding business. She strives daily through her social media presence to teach biblical applications in the industry through her successful online coaching programs, courses, and free resources.
Combining her love for helping other women in business, she also leads a successful blogging business with over 150,000 yearly blog views. Her unique approach to blogging has allowed her prestigious media, speaking engagements.
Aundra is paving the way for other Christian business owners to build a 6 figure business without losing their core values.
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
Life As God Knows It Has Just Begun!
Born Leader is the supernatural name and calling of a once all-natural man. Dead in trespasses and sins, Benjamin Bell drowned in a sea of despair, despondency, and desolation. Overcome by a void in his heart (hole in his soul) and the strong desire which accompanies the void, he launched out on a journey to fill the emptiness inside. Retracing his steps to his childhood passion of music, he settled it in his heart it would be his path to fulfillment and wholeness. Unbeknownst to him at the time, and discovering later by divine revelation, what he really was looking for - what his soul was aching for - was the fulfillment of the Word of prophecy over his life. However, the Word didn’t come by way of music, sending him spiraling out of control and into the grips of frustration, anxiety, and depression. Suicidal thoughts crept in, and in the depths of this crisis he finally surrendered - quitting his job, quitting on fulfillment, and quitting on life.
Life as Benjamin knew it had ended, but LIFE as GOD knows it had just begun! Shifting his focus from dreams to realities, he decided to give his time and attention to working and supporting his family. However, a year or so later while working at a new job, the Spirit of the LORD blew on him, as he was born again by the glorious power of the Most High God! Miraculously freed from the power and clutches of darkness, fear, sin, shame, and contentment, Benjamin was made to stand up alive by the appearing and summoning of Jesus the Messiah! This event - the Word coming to him - has had a profound impact on him, leading him to exchange his full-time job for full-time ministry/entrepreneurship, security for destiny, and a content existence for a daring, faith-filled life. Obeying the call has not been easy, but the LORD has stood with him, showing Himself strong by many infallible proofs.
Fresh off the heels of an incredible transformation and equipped with the Father's love and faith by the anointing of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, Benjamin is a God-appointed spiritual leader for these times. He blogs and vlogs about the Grace of GOD with a fire that will never be put out! He is presently working on a writing project of some sort documenting his life-changing conversion experience. He is the host of Holes 2 Whole, a podcast touching on different aspects of the purpose, plan, and Grace of YAH! He also hosts Week Strong, a bi-weekly radio program featuring the preaching of the Life/Word of God! Both of these shows are on the CMP Radio platform, a local radio station in the city of Chester who is giving a voice to the voiceless. Benjamin currently resides in Chester with his wife and four children. For any inquiries and engagements ranging from speaking to music please contact: bornleaderbusiness@gmail.com.
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
God is About to Do a Sudden Thing in Your Life”
Craig James was 3 years old when his father, a crack addict, walked out. He smoked marijuana for the first time at age 10. By the time he was 16, he was fully addicted to cocaine. At 21, he turned to meth. In and out of jail until he was 27, Craig was spiraling out of control at such an alarming rate, one couldn’t help but wonder if he would make it to his 30th birthday. The rapper himself admits he shouldn’t even be here. Yet, thanks to a praying aunt, a faithful grandmother and the grace of God, Craig—now known as 5ive—lives to tell a different story.
In November 2010, he walked into a church in his hometown of Earth, Texas and was instantly delivered from an 11 year cocaine and meth addiction.
His stage name is symbolic of the biblical number for grace and favor, and his music is a testament to the fact that God is still in the business of working miracles. “If you’ve never witnessed a miracle, you’re looking at one,” 5ive says. “I’m just so thankful to be alive and to be in His service. I’m a little radical, but I tell people all the time, ‘If God did it for me, He’ll do it for anybody.’”
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
God Will Never Leave U or Forsake You!
Dr. Charles Stanley features special guest, Anton Roberts.
Born and raised in Flint, Mi, by grandmother, mother and aunties, Anton Roberts experienced the typical Northside Flint poverty stricken way of living he was given Football to stay out of trouble.
He attended Flint Northern high school and graduated 2005. After Graduation he and his mother became homeless and moved to Florida with an Aunt. Six months after leaving Flint his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Mom was in the Faith and even through her circumstances pleaded with him to establish a relationship with God.
Through prayer and miraculous events he was persuaded to give church a try. He began going to church in late 2006 and then came to the Revelation knowledge of Jesus being Lord and surrendered his life to that understanding.
His mother transitioned in April 2008, but he continued Believing in Jesus elevating in Ministry. In 2010 he began rapping in a group created by Anthony Holland and I called L418. The group was gospel based and began ministering throughout Central Florida. Through the years, the group went through different transitions and finally dispersed in 2015.
Anton continued to write and minister in Rap and soon will be releasing a project under Sav-A-Soul records. Having his own share of ups and downs through some challenging time, his faith in the Lord Jesus has been good. Now married to a beautiful wife, Juanesha Roberts, they have a son, “my little miracle”, Jeremiah Tobias who is 5 months old. He currently is living and learning striding to be the man God has called him to be.
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
The Demon Slayer!
Dr. Charles Stanley talks with H.U.R.T
Southern California native H.U.R.T. knew since youth his heart was in music. A product of a broken home, he became familiar with the perils of drugs, gangs, and systematic racism. This depraved familiarity led to the nickname Hurt which would later be changed to H.U.R.T (Humble Ubiquitous Righteous Teacher). Raised in church gave him a spiritual foundation essential to his surviving gang culture that he succumb to. These opposite ends of the spectrum led to H.U.R.T’s musical style. Clearly influenced by his roots the classic ‘West Coast’ rap style is incorporated with biblical truths creating a uniquely provocative, passionate, and brash poetic sound. In 2009 H.U.R.T. released his secular debut album, ‘The Pray-Lewd’ in 2011. Set to release his self-titled sophomore album he gave his life to Christ and took a musical hiatus. Following a spiritual maturation, the Lord called H.U.R.T. to return to music for ministry, rather than his own selfish ambitions.
In 2015 he was ordained as a pastor and began to understand the purpose for his God given talent. In 2016 the debut of H.U.R.T. as a Christian hip-hop artist, with the release of his single ‘God’s Love’ paired with a thought-provoking video. He continues to release music under the label and ministry Royal Priest Hood while touring and doing outreach with some of the genres best. H.U.R.T. is ministry minded, powered by the Holy Spirit and believes that music ministry should embody the best of both worlds: great music and the Kingdom of God. Teaching the revelation of Jesus Christ’s secrets and mysteries while entertaining the church and the world H.U.R.T. fulfills the will of God in and outside of the four walls of the church.
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
Get Right with God!
Dr. Charles Stanley shares the gospel with Arron Ellington
Aaron Ellington is a youth Minister at LIFE Vineyard Church in Columbus Ohio. After accepting the call to minister in August of 2019, he's served in ministry areas ever since. He has completed a degree in Pastoral Leadership with hopes to one day lead a congregation. Aaron has a fierce passion for social justice and unity. He makes music under the name 'Justyfi' in hopes that his voice will inspire many.
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
We are Overcomers!
Dr. Charles Stanley interviews Darius Hollins, artist name, Apesoul.
Born and raised on the Northside of flint, Apesoul, I made some bad decisions that landed me behind bars for 13 years. In the midst of this storm Jesus showed me his love and compassion. I surrendered my life to Christ and thru my music I am sharing my testimony. How God brought me out of a lifestyle that was destroying me.
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
Letting God Lead
Gospel musical artist ASAP Preach talks with Dr Charles Stanley.
ASAP Preach- the definition of a true Soldier of GOD and Gospel Rapper. Been in the game over 10 years witnessing and helping draw souls to Christ by his Gift GOD given him. He just released his latest Album: Heaven Bound. Which you can find the rest of his projects on Spotify, Apple Music, ITunes and other Major Platforms. His past background led him to turn his life to Christ, to help lead the lost souls to GOD.
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
Plant that Seed!
Having faith through your blessings with Dr. Charles Stanley.
Sav-A-Soul Ministries
Trusting In God!
The premiere episode of Sav-A-Soul Ministries, with Dr. Charles Stanley.